Thursday, February 10, 2011

"The mind of a child is where the Revolution Begins"

I've ruminated on the meaning of the above statement for quite some time now and I think that now might be the time to formally analyze it. This statement comes from a verse by one of my favorite political rappers, Immortal Technique (Felipe Andres Coronel). I believe in the context of Immortal Technique’s song it’s understood that the “child” makes up the entire youth, including teenagers and young adults. With the youth of Egypt having a major impact on the Egyptian revolution, it seems like the perfect time to apply this statement to the real world, but first let’s address some psychological aspects of these words.
Let’s face it, my fellow teenagers and I face one of society’s most prominent double standards. We are oftentimes assumed to be hormonal, rowdy, insecure, and rebellious and as a result are often feared by those older than us. Our emotions are considered unstable, and we apparently believe that we are immortal. That’s quite a resume, and as much as I hate to admit it, some of these attributes are partially true for many of us. But could these traits actually permit us to start revolutions? Immortal Technique seemed to think so, and he also believes that revolutions are, “the birth to equality and the antithesis to oppression.”
In the United States, young adults under the age of 30 are practically just as likely to support socialism as they are capitalism, while adults over the age of 40 are much more likely to support capitalism. This is only one statistic of many that leads to the same conclusion that young people are much more likely to have radical, and potentially revolutionary views than their older counterparts.
People aged 10-24 in Egypt make up over 33% of the population. They are the founders of the facebook group, “We are all Khaled Said” and the driving force behind the Revolution. As we speak they crowd the streets of Cairo chanting about Freedom and Change. But why did they start all this? What about the other 66% of Egypt? My only answer is one I give for most psychological questions: Biology.
In case any adults haven’t noticed by now, us youths doubt things. We often refuse to accept the rules and customs of our parents because we inherently seek change. In the midst of rapid emotional changes in our lives we build up insecurities. These insecurities lead to fear, and rather than suppressing this fear, we attempt to destroy it. In short, our hormones drive our revolutionary tendencies.
So while us teenagers are antagonized on a regular basis, we account for much of the desire for change in the world. We haven’t been on this earth long enough to accept and conform so easily. For better or for worse we will probably always be the age group behind revolutions, and for this reason one could reason that we are the most important age group. I have a feeling that Immortal Technique realizes this, and I can only hope that I do his words justice.

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